Source Energy and Your Chakras

The Energy of the Universe. God. Creator of All that Is. Prana. Chi.  These are all terms that mean the same thing. Source Energy.

Source energy is what all of us are created from and what we are always connected to. God is not separate from us. God is in us and we are extensions of God!  We are, in essence, Source Energy flowing through our spectacular physical human forms! 

When we think of ourselves as simply human beings, we limit our worth.  We are in actuality, beings of brilliant, vibrating light incarnated into human form.  As humans, our 3-D brains tell us we are limited by physical barriers. Our emotions can cripple us. But when we focus on our life-energy, our chi, our prana, and we allow the energy to flow unabated through our physical bodies, our health is top-notch, and goals that had appeared impossible to accomplish, come to fruition effortlessly. 

Our bodies have energy “check-points”. These are points in our physical body that correspond to specific nerve bundles, tissues and organs that affect our physical and emotional well being. 

These check-points are called Chakras. 

You can envision Chakras as discs that are constantly spinning in a clockwise direction and perfectly balanced.  

It is through these chakras that our source energy flows.

Although the body has many chakras, healers generally only concern themselves with the 7 major ones: 3 lower which pertain to the physical / material, and the 4 upper which pertain to the spiritual. 

Each chakra corresponds to a specific Area of the Body, Colour, Element, Tone or Chant, Energy, and Action. 

Root Chakra: called
Muladhara   (in Sanskrit)

Located at the base of the spine, the root chakra is the first of the lower chakras. It is the slowest spinning chakra and as such creates a deep ruby red colour. 

Element: Earth. 

Chant: “Lam”. 

Energy: Safe and Grounded.

Action: I Am. 

Your root chakra is related to issues of physical security and is affected by your thoughts and feelings about finances, career, home, physical safety, needs and possessions. 

Sacral Chakra: called Svadhisthana

Found midway between the base of the spine and the naval, the sacral chakra spins slightly faster than the root chakra, creating a beautiful orange shade. 

Element: Water. 

Chant: “Vam”.

Energy: In the flow. 

Action: I feel. 

The sacral chakra is affected by your thoughts and feelings regarding cravings for physical pleasures, addictions, and your body.

Solar Plexus Chakra: called Manipura

Found right behind the navel, it spins at a faster rate than the root and the sacral chakras and so is bright yellow in color. Like a sun.

Element: Fire.

Chant: “Ram”.

Energy: Self-Mastery. 

Action: I do. 

The solar plexus chakra is affected by thoughts and feelings about power and control.

Heart Chakra: called Anahata

The heart chakra is the first of the upper chakras and relates to the spiritual. It is found in the center of the chest and spins at a medium fast speed creating a beautiful emerald shade of green.

Element: Air.

Chant: “Yam”.

Energy: Love. 

Action: I love. 

The heart chakra is affected by thoughts and feelings concerning relationships, love, people attachments, and forgiveness. 

Throat Chakra: called Vishuddha

Found at the base of the throat it spins at a fast rate creating a beautiful sky-blue color.

Element: Ether. 

Chant: “Ham”. 

Energy: Creativity; Expression; Purification. 

Action: I Speak. 

The throat chakra is affected by thoughts and feelings related to speaking your truth, communication, and asking for your needs to be met. 

Third Eye Chakra: called Ajna

Found between the eyes it spins very quickly and creates a deep indigo blue color. 

Element: Transcendent. 

Chant: “Aum”. 

Energy: Mind. 

Action: I see. 

The third eye chakra is affected by thoughts and feelings relating to the future, the past, and beliefs about spirits.

Crown Chakra: called Sahasrara

Found near the inside of the top of the head, it spins the fastest of all the chakras to create a vivid royal purple color.

Element: Nothing; Everything, and all that is between        and beyond that.

Chant: Instead of chanting we just Listen.

Energy: Divine.

Action: I know.

The crown chakra is affected by thoughts and feelings relating to God, religion or spirituality, Divine guidance, and trust.

So now that you know a little about chakras and how they work, you should also know that when we aren’t doing well physically nor emotionally, it is usually because our chakras have become blocked, dirty, shrunken or enlarged, and/or their spinning has slowed, or has become wobbly.  When this happens, they are no longer in balance, and our pranic flow gets disrupted. As a result, we fall out of alignment with the truest expression of ourselves. 

The good news is that we can clean them up, and get them spinning in perfect balance once again! This can be accomplished through multiple modalities such as: Visualization, Meditation, Yoga, Sound-healing, Chakra-colour healing and Crystal healing, just to name a few.

The next time you experience feelings of discomfort, whether it is physical or emotional / spiritual, take a moment to find a quiet place and really examine those feelings. Where is the discomfort located and which chakra is it corresponding to? Then choose a modality and heal yourself.  You have the power!  You are made of Source Energy! Let it Flow!!!

*Note - the “a” in “Lam” and the other chants, are pronounced “ah” sound.


The Akashic Records


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