Reincarnation, Past Lives and Soul Lessons

You’ve been here before.

Not to this page, but on this planet.  Not as the person you are right now, but as somebody different, yet not separate.

You can think of reincarnation as you would think of a deciduous tree. It has beautiful leaves in the warm months, then in the cold months, the leaves die, and the tree rests. In the Spring, the cycle begins anew. It is always the same tree, it just sprouts new leaves. Our souls work in the same way. Same soul, different lifetimes.

I know that to some people the idea of reincarnation can seem pretty out there. We have been taught by different teachers, religious institutions, our parents, books, and friends, that this life is a one-and-done. I suppose that is kind of true. You are living this one life right now as your current person, in your current life experience, and when your physical body dies, this human experience will have ended. But then what?  

This is where faith comes in.  

What do you honestly believe happens once your soul leaves your body? Do you languish in Paradise and enjoy the fruits of your labours from your time on Earth? 
If you lived a life that was less than idyllic, do you hang out in a waiting room until your dues have been paid and your number is called? 
If you did horrible things and were a horrible person while in your physical body, or you believed the “wrong” thing, are you destined to burn for it in Hell?
Or maybe you believe there is Nothing at all to come.

I’m not here to debate theology, or religion. If that is your comfort zone, that is wonderful, and this page probably doesn’t speak to you. Yet.

But what if in actuality, when your soul leaves your body, it is just going home? 

Home, the place where you decompress, reconnect, regroup and figure out what could be better or different next time. How can I be better?  How can I make things easier? How can I evolve? 
The human experience is the work through which our souls evolve, which subsequently raises the vibration of our Universe. 

So here’s the big question: 
Why do we need to raise the vibration in the first place? 

Here we go! A higher vibration puts us closer to living in direct connection to Source Energy - God; Creator of All That Is. Source Energy vibrates at the highest frequency that is.
There are many, many different dimensions within our Universe and other Universes within those dimensions. Source Energy created it all. 
These Universes all vibrate at different frequencies.  We cannot connect to those dimensions if we are not ‘tuned-in’ to their frequencies. 
We are unable to connect to those higher frequencies if we are vibrating at a lower level than the frequency we want to connect to. 

Here’s an analogy I like to use to explain this concept.

Try listening to 102.7 FM when your radio is tuned into 93.3 FM.  It’s absolutely impossible.

To exist at a higher vibrational frequency means that not only will we be able to live in harmony with each other, but we will be able to live in harmony with the Earth itself, with the Universe, and with the other dimensions within those Universes.  Utopia Absolute! 

Our capabilities to connect through physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and metaphysical means will expand a millionfold!  Right now, we are just babies learning to crawl in the eyes of existence! 

While we are on Earth, we are warriors on the front lines.  It’s brutal. And beautiful.  It’s difficult. And so simple. And it is the fastest way to evolve our souls to raise our collective vibration.  
The human soul is directly connected to Source Energy - God. God is all knowing.  But knowing is not experiencing. God created all that is for the purpose of experience. What is life if it cannot be experienced? 

Evolution is not an easy nor a quick process. Think about how the Earth has evolved over the billions of years it has been in existence. 
Our souls also evolve. And quite honestly, how much evolution can really take place in an 85 year span of a human life? Right?

So now we come back full circle to reincarnation. 

Past Lives

So when we reincarnate, we leave behind past lives which are recorded in the Akashic records. (I go into what the Akashic Records are on another page titled as such)  These past lives have tremendously influenced and shaped how we are living our present lives. 

Why don’t we remember our past lives?

Some lifetimes may have been extremely difficult and traumatic while others were blissful and joyous. Some may have been very long and rich and others may have been short and stark. All of them were designed to help your soul or others’ souls to evolve in one form or another. 
Our souls remember all of our lifetimes when we are ‘home’, but while we are incarnated in our physical human forms, our 3-D minds just do not have the capacity to do that. 

We are unable to separate between memories from different lifetimes in our human brains (yet). 
We are also unable to separate memory from triggering emotion. To put it bluntly, as we exist today, if we suddenly remembered all of our past lives, we would go completely bonkers!  

There are people who have used too many of the wrong types of drugs that appear to have caused thinning of the veil between spirit and physical. You see them walking down the street mumbling to themselves or screaming at no one we can see. 

Actually, we have much to learn with regards to how chemicals in our brains can act as doorways to the spirit world. 
But, that is a topic for a future conversation.

If within a specific lifetime something really traumatic occurs, sometimes there can be residual ‘carry-over’ from that lifetime that manifests in our present-day subconscious. These can present irrationally as limiting beliefs, fears, and blockages, and seem to exist without cause.  (I discuss this topic in another blog post titled: Limiting Beliefs, Fears, and Blockages.)

Soul Lessons

As I mentioned above, our previous lifetimes influence how we behave and think in our present lives. The idea is that within each lifetime our souls evolve.  

Lifetime experiences can result in our souls vibration shifting just a little bit, or sometimes we can have big evolutionary leaps.
The rate of evolution depends on whether we have learned a particular soul lesson we had set for ourselves for that lifetime. We make these agreements in between lifetimes when we return ‘home’ to regroup and reconnect.

Here is an example of a soul lesson: 

Say your soul decides that it needs to learn the lesson of ‘forgiveness’.  In between lifetimes, it communes with the other souls in its ‘soul-group’, (I go into the subject of soulmates / soul-groups in another page titled “Soulmates, Soul-Families and Soul-Groups”) and you all make a plan for your life that will create many, many opportunities for you to experience forgiveness while incarnated on Earth. 
While you are going through your Earthly life experience, you may find that your human self seems to be a victim of repeat betrayals or in situations where you are constantly being hurt by others. These situations are in actuality, opportunities for you to practice forgiveness. 
If the soul never learns to forgive during that particular lifetime, the lesson continues into the next lifetime, and that pattern continues until the lesson is learned.   

The rate of soul evolution is also affected by the ‘difficulty level’ of a specific lifetime. 

So, here is how it works: Newly incepted souls desire to evolve at a brisk pace. They want those giant evolutionary leaps of vibrational frequency. Vibrating at a lower rate just isn’t as fun, it restricts the soul’s ability to travel to other dimensions. While older souls on the other hand tend to want to ‘fine-tune’ their souls’ vibrational frequencies. They have specific places they want to be at or go to.

If you look around you, you see millions of people living their lives in so many different degrees of difficulty. Some folks appear to have everything, while others seem totally destitute. 
The more difficult the life, the more potential for a greater evolutionary leap. But, just surviving a miserable life for a long time does not necessarily ensure a great leap in vibrational frequency.  Although the difficulty is obvious, there are still the lessons that also need to be learned.

To clarify, we do not choose to incarnate on Earth in order to suffer and be miserable. Quite the opposite actually. Our main purpose for being here is to create and to be happy! Having a higher degree of difficulty in your life is not the same as being miserable. Your life can be both challenging and rewarding. We have just forgotten the life-hacks that make creating our ideal lives that much easier.

Being in tune with who you really are, versus pretending to be someone you’re not, is how you gain the advantage. Being true to yourself, really listening to your intuition, and paying attention to your thoughts and emotions is the key to living your most joyous life, and evolving your soul at its most efficient rate.  (I discuss how we are able to create our ideal lives in my page titled: Manifestation: Using your Emotions as your Earthly Guidance System).

The soul is not just a beautiful ‘ball of light’.  It is a complex energetic Light-being with many, many different facets. 
Just like in our human forms, our souls have personalities, and affinities for different things.  Some are super artistic, while others are more academic. Some are more inclined to be outgoing and social while others are quite introverted and prefer peace and quiet.  Some may have tremendous senses of humour while others tend to be quite serious. 

Regardless of which personality attributes they possess, what all souls have in common, is their desire to create.  That is their main purpose for existing. 

We’re really not meant to struggle so much. We’re created to experience joy and love and to expand and evolve our souls into multi-dimensional beings of light.

It’s time! Time to take the reins and start creating your life exactly the way you want it to be!


The Archangels