Limiting Beliefs, Fears, and Blockages

You know how sometimes you get an adverse feeling when a certain subject is brought up, or a crippling fear takes over your body when you attempt, or even think about attempting a certain activity, yet there is no rational reason why that should be? 
Well, that’s usually because of some kind of past-life experience, and can be of either a physical or emotional nature.

Past-life experiences could be causing unpleasant  manifestations in your present life for a number of different reasons. They may be lessons left unlearned in a previous life coming up again to be completed.  They may be due to an extreme past-life trauma that lingers because of the severity of the trauma.  They might even be due to unhealthy patterns of behavior that repeat from lifetime to lifetime. 

These feelings or reactions can be labelled as limiting beliefs, fears and / or blockages, and can disrupt the flow of your daily life.

Limiting Beliefs: An example of a limiting belief is: “I am not worthy”, or “I am not good enough”. As humans, we have very sensitive constitutions. A mean, offhanded remark from a stranger 25 years ago, could be stuck in our subconscious waiting to be triggered. We carry things, harbour them deeply and then we react, usually irrationally.  

You can start to see patterns of behavior as time goes by.  Someone who may have been told over and over that they are worthless, will eventually believe it at their core and behave in ways that prevent them from feeling worthy.  It’s quite possible that it may be so ingrained within them that they enter their next life already feeling unworthy deep inside of themselves. 

Fears:  Why do people have phobias? There are tons of them, and quite a few of them seem almost silly.  But they are very real and very frightening to the person who is experiencing them.  
Usually someone who has a phobia has had a very traumatic experience related to the subject of that fear, either early in their present lifetime, or in a previous lifetime. 
I’ll give you an example.  One of my dearest friends has always had a very strong fear of driving on the freeway.  When we did a bit of past life exploration together, we discovered that she had been in a terrible car accident in her previous life that had resulted in the loss of her child.  It was so traumatic that she carried over the residual effect of that trauma into her present life.  

Removing a limiting belief or fear can be a difficult task, especially if it has been carried over multiple lifetimes, but it can definitely be accomplished.  
The first step is always recognition.  You can’t expunge what is not exposed.  
Often people who are not super self-aware have a hard time recognizing these debilitating issues within themselves, and only find out about them through repeated behaviors in relationships with friends and family.  
Therapy is also a way in which these issues may become exposed. Once the issue has been exposed, there are many different ways to clear them out. 

A mental health therapist can definitely help as long as the “treatment” is vibrationally compatible for you.  Chemicals are never the right solution.  They mask the issue, prolonging its manifestation, they don’t expunge it. Treating the symptom will not root out the cause. Vibrational compatibility will be obvious.  If it feels good or cleansing, it’s compatible, if it feels awkward, odd, strange or bad, it is not. It’s that simple.

Daily Affirmations, Meditation, Acupuncture, and Yoga have actually become pretty mainstream modalities these days as energy clearing practices. 

There are still other methods through which these fears and beliefs can be released. They may seem less conventional and a bit freaky to someone just starting out on their spiritual journey- for now- but they can also be life changing.

Past-life Exploration, Reiki, Qigong and Chakra Balancing, Pranic Healing, Crystal Healing, Quantum Healing, and Angelic Healing are commonly used healing modalities in the spiritual community. Practitioners are easier to find than you’d think.

Blockages: Have you ever been in a really great flow and then suddenly for absolutely no apparent reason everything comes to a screeching halt? You lose your rhythm, what came so easily to you the day before now seems so difficult, and the ducks you had lined up in your row are now fumbling around in chaos. Why the heck does that happen? 

You’ve hit a blockage. 

We’ve all heard of writer’s block right?  Well, we all experience blockages at one time or another, we just don’t always realize what they are, nor why they are happening. 

A blockage occurs when something in your subconscious freezes you up. It’s similar to a limiting belief, but it is usually easier to clear, as it tends to not be as ingrained as a limiting belief can be. Usually just acknowledging it, or simply shifting your energy is enough to remove it. 

A blockage can be triggered by a bad mood, or simply because of semantics. Seriously, words can send people on trips.  What one person perceives a certain word to mean may not be how another person perceives the same word’s meaning. One misinterpreted word, can create chaos.  

Here’s an example: the word ‘spiritual’.  Now, there’s a word that can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people.
The word ‘spiritual’ may denote a religious inclination to one person, while defining peace and connection to self for another. 
Someone may be totally turned off by something being labelled as ‘spiritual’ simply because they think of spirituality as being the same as religion, and vice versa. 

If simple acknowledgement of the blockage doesn’t clear it up, you can talk it out, or meditate on it. Usually if you give it enough thought, or bounce it off of a good friend, it’ll be released. If that doesn’t work, one of the modalities I mentioned earlier will definitely clear it up! 

Happy Mental Health my friends!!


Going Within to Explore Without


Manifestation: Using your Emotions as your Earthly Guidance System